Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Broken Fingers Blanket

It's been a struggle trying to knit with the cast but I make progress every day with my simple knit blanket, which I am calling my Broken Fingers Blanket. Despite the scorching heat I am using a wool acrylic blend . A few days ago I did reach a boiling point with my hand as I realized I had 3 holes from drop stitches. Ripping out about 3 inches was frustrating. 

Something I'm struggling with and maybe it's because I am limited in what I can do or I just get excited about a new project, but I have been cultivating a lot of projects. Finding the time to do these projects completing current projects and maintain my blog has become very overwhelming. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Broken Fingers Project

I have found that I want to knit more now that I have broken fingers. However I can't seem knit well on my scarf since it has some cable stitches so I started on a blanket. This particular project I suspect will turn into a quilt of some sort since I can't stop thinking about fabric designs and colors that would go nicely with it. I love how projects that really have no direction or end result send me flying with all the possibilities. Keep checking for updates as I post my picture updates of my new Broken Fingers Project.