Sunday, July 18, 2010

He is only using me for my knitting....

So my hopes to put out a blog a week has well not worked out. I blame my dating life. I can't seem to have one guy interested in me its always two... this time three. Guy Number One and I went on a few dates and between the dates we kept each other laughing, oh you know. While discussing the many things I am able to knit he asked if I could knit him a blanket. Since him and I hit it off I had no issues agreeing to this new challenge. The blanket I named Lucky 7's after his hockey team. Now here is where the BUT comes into play. Since I have agreed to make this blanket its all he seems to care about. Every phone call he brings up the blanket at least 3 times. Often his text messages are about the blanket. In fact its like I became the hired help and I am required to give him a status check every so often. I think he is using me for my knitting....

Well since I haven't seen him in a few days and well I have lost interest in making him a blanket I started working on a pair socks. I called them my doodle socks unfortunately they looked horrible. The idea was to "doodle" purl stitch swirls within the stockinette stitch I was doing for the cuff. I still think the idea was great, and in my head they looked great. Actually knitted up well thats a different story. They looked like I didn't know how to knit. I ripped the cuff out and began a rib stitch cuff. It was easy to knit up while watching The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Great movie! Which leads me to Guy Number Two. Guy Number Two is getting a lacy scarf. LOL no not the obvious its for his sister. This guy happens to be an ex boyfriend... I know I know but you don't understand he helped me so many times since we broke up and we can't seem to stop talking to each other. Lets just say Guy Number Two is in the lead.

Guy Number Three seems to be taking his time asking me out or even talking to me. He texted maybe twice. Oh I did get a text at 1am from him. He was curious about my weekend. Yeah I don't think him and I will be going on a date any time soon.

Well enough about my dramatic life and on to knitting. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Happy Knitting!

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