Sunday, August 28, 2011

Boy Meets Girl

I have been in a design mode lately. Maybe its because I want to revamp my site and come up with a new logo. Of course this is a form of procrastination. I need to dye more yarn. I have all these new color ideas but sitting down and dyeing just hasn't happened. What is the point of having a store if you have no product to sell?

So out of my procrastination I designed a new scarf. I call it the Boy Meets Girl Scarf. Using Twinkle handknits soft chunky yarn in white, blue and pink I casted on 200 stitches and knitted a color pattern side to side instead of top to bottom. I got the idea from the scarf that Carlise wore in Twilight. It was knitted side to side. However my math when calculating the measurements was way off. Let me just say that again. WAY OFF. The scarf ended up being too long.

Pictures are of my brother William and his girlfriend Bre. When laughing about the length and my poor math skills William did something that was so cute. Pulling Bre close with the scarf around her neck, he kissed thus the name Boy Meets Girl.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

One Year!!

I can't believe it has been one year since I last posted! Yikes! Life is so busy!!!

I hope to consistently post but being a single mom to a tween means no time for yourself! Work is always uncertain and I still have that dream to own my own Yarn Store. I still plug away at that and I'm confident it will come true.

Socks and a baby sweater are what I am working on at the moment. The baby sweater is my first sweater, only I don't have enough yarn to make long sleeves. Sounds crazy I know but I think it will turn out really well. Pictures will come.

Madelyn is about to head to church camp for a week and I am going nuts over this. A whole week away! While she is gone I hope to finish her quilt for her room. We have plans to redecorate... well remodel is a better term. With the economy the way it is I think we will forever be in our house. Its small and we live below our means but it needs updated.

I'm sorry its been so long since I posted and I hope to do better.