Saturday, April 17, 2010

Knitting Myself Some Hair

Cast On Podcast had a beautiful story called Knitting Myself Some Hair. In 2006 Diane went into the hospital for what she thought was asthma related problems only to discover she had a tumor the size of a grape fruit invading her chest cavity. She asked herself what am I to do? She did what I think I would do, vow not to leave this world until her Icelandic sweater was finished. As she shares more of her story I realize that this women like myself finds more joy in giving a knitted item to someone than the actual knitting. I was deeply moved by this women and felt she needed to be honored for her bravery and her generosity. God truly used her talents and her cancer to touch others and he healed her, and in 2008 she went back to the hospital to thank the staff that saved her life not realizing how she had touched their lives. I see God at work in this women and I am just filled with so much joy listening to her testimony. I tried to find more details maybe her story posted online, and found nothing, which made the desire to share her story more intense. If you ever get the chase please go to iTunes and download episode #76 of Cast On to listen to this women’s testimony.

As for what is on my needles I am on the last knitted piece for the Bella Baseball Scarf. Tomorrow I hope to finish it, block the pieces and sew together. I’ll post pictures. I’m pretty excited to finish this project and compare to the movie scarf.

Hmmm what to knit next....


Monday, April 12, 2010


Out with the old in with the new. Clutter is starting to take over. It all began when knitting took over my life... Ok not just knitting, reading, church and friends are priority in my life. Well today I am making the clutter number one. Let me start by listing what I am getting rid of.

  • Recliner
  • 2 vacuum cleaners (apparently I thought having 3 vacuum cleaners was necessary!)
  • 3 bags of madelyn's old toys. (oh there will be more by the end of the day)
  • 2 bags of clothes (a small number yes but only because a project has come to mind).
  • My car is completely clean, washed and detailed.
  • My email inbox… yes more of a personal declutter but it needed to be done… I mean how many people have 2gb of emails…

Have you notice that I am not getting rid of any yarn. Yeah I have projects in mind for all the yarn I have so I have decided that I am not buying any more yarn unless it is for the store. I will use the majority of the yarn I have until I have brought down the stash level to that of a more respectable level…. Hmmm so what is a respectable level?

Even though I am cleaning up and organizing my house I am still happily knitting. I have started on the Bella Baseball Scarf. Now the scarf colors in the movie are purple shades with black I changed the colors and went with pink shades. I will post pictures when completed; right now it is in pieces. I will also put the scarf on etsy for any Twilight fans. Well back to work.

Happy Knitting,



Thursday, April 1, 2010

Polly want a scarf

Yes that is what you see a hat and a scarf on a Parrot. Madelyn requested a scarf and hat for her pet robot parrot. It was rather entertaining to knit this while her watching over my shoulder. It had to be just right!

So I haven’t knitted much lately. Been busy updating my system to the new Snow Leopard OS. Yes I finally did it.... A few minor changes but nothing big for me. Of course I had to backup my system before I did the upgrade. Yes I bought the new Time Capsule. It is an amazing thing! Wireless and automatically it is backing up my system as we speak. Oh Apple how genius you are! Now if only my Quickbooks will come in so I can start the sync testing with the website. I don’t anticipate any problems but only because I have an amazing webmaster who can fix all. Yes Josh I am talking about you!

I also have product just waiting to be sold. Beautiful sock yarn and alpaca yarn for winter scarfs and some fun and flashy eyelash yarn. I am having a hard time not touching the super merino wool that looks amazing. Hopefully we can go live May 1st assuming the sync goes well and then all will have access to this beautiful yarn.

I’m writing also to ask for prayers. I have been praying the Serenity Prayer that helps fill me with hope, reminds me of what I should always know and remember. I was reminded that God has already set things in motion to achieve his purpose. His purpose is my purpose... I just happen to veer off task... A lot.

I hope I get this building I am pursuing. It will be the perfect store front for my business and I have a good feeling about it. I pray and ask for prayers that God makes it happen.

In all things I acknowledge you God.

Sweet Serenity,
