Sunday, July 17, 2011

One Year!!

I can't believe it has been one year since I last posted! Yikes! Life is so busy!!!

I hope to consistently post but being a single mom to a tween means no time for yourself! Work is always uncertain and I still have that dream to own my own Yarn Store. I still plug away at that and I'm confident it will come true.

Socks and a baby sweater are what I am working on at the moment. The baby sweater is my first sweater, only I don't have enough yarn to make long sleeves. Sounds crazy I know but I think it will turn out really well. Pictures will come.

Madelyn is about to head to church camp for a week and I am going nuts over this. A whole week away! While she is gone I hope to finish her quilt for her room. We have plans to redecorate... well remodel is a better term. With the economy the way it is I think we will forever be in our house. Its small and we live below our means but it needs updated.

I'm sorry its been so long since I posted and I hope to do better.