Something I'm struggling with and maybe it's because I am limited in what I can do or I just get excited about a new project, but I have been cultivating a lot of projects. Finding the time to do these projects completing current projects and maintain my blog has become very overwhelming.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Broken Fingers Blanket
It's been a struggle trying to knit with the cast but I make progress every day with my simple knit blanket, which I am calling my Broken Fingers Blanket. Despite the scorching heat I am using a wool acrylic blend . A few days ago I did reach a boiling point with my hand as I realized I had 3 holes from drop stitches. Ripping out about 3 inches was frustrating.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Broken Fingers Project
I have found that I want to knit more now that I have broken fingers. However I can't seem knit well on my scarf since it has some cable stitches so I started on a blanket. This particular project I suspect will turn into a quilt of some sort since I can't stop thinking about fabric designs and colors that would go nicely with it. I love how projects that really have no direction or end result send me flying with all the possibilities. Keep checking for updates as I post my picture updates of my new Broken Fingers Project.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Boy Meets Girl
I have been in a design mode lately. Maybe its because I want to revamp my site and come up with a new logo. Of course this is a form of procrastination. I need to dye more yarn. I have all these new color ideas but sitting down and dyeing just hasn't happened. What is the point of having a store if you have no product to sell?
So out of my procrastination I designed a new scarf. I call it the Boy Meets Girl Scarf. Using Twinkle handknits soft chunky yarn in white, blue and pink I casted on 200 stitches and knitted a color pattern side to side instead of top to bottom. I got the idea from the scarf that Carlise wore in Twilight. It was knitted side to side. However my math when calculating the measurements was way off. Let me just say that again. WAY OFF. The scarf ended up being too long.
Pictures are of my brother William and his girlfriend Bre. When laughing about the length and my poor math skills William did something that was so cute. Pulling Bre close with the scarf around her neck, he kissed thus the name Boy Meets Girl.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
One Year!!
I can't believe it has been one year since I last posted! Yikes! Life is so busy!!!
I hope to consistently post but being a single mom to a tween means no time for yourself! Work is always uncertain and I still have that dream to own my own Yarn Store. I still plug away at that and I'm confident it will come true.
Socks and a baby sweater are what I am working on at the moment. The baby sweater is my first sweater, only I don't have enough yarn to make long sleeves. Sounds crazy I know but I think it will turn out really well. Pictures will come.
Madelyn is about to head to church camp for a week and I am going nuts over this. A whole week away! While she is gone I hope to finish her quilt for her room. We have plans to redecorate... well remodel is a better term. With the economy the way it is I think we will forever be in our house. Its small and we live below our means but it needs updated.
I'm sorry its been so long since I posted and I hope to do better.
I hope to consistently post but being a single mom to a tween means no time for yourself! Work is always uncertain and I still have that dream to own my own Yarn Store. I still plug away at that and I'm confident it will come true.
Socks and a baby sweater are what I am working on at the moment. The baby sweater is my first sweater, only I don't have enough yarn to make long sleeves. Sounds crazy I know but I think it will turn out really well. Pictures will come.
Madelyn is about to head to church camp for a week and I am going nuts over this. A whole week away! While she is gone I hope to finish her quilt for her room. We have plans to redecorate... well remodel is a better term. With the economy the way it is I think we will forever be in our house. Its small and we live below our means but it needs updated.
I'm sorry its been so long since I posted and I hope to do better.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
My Plate is Full
My Platter Is Full
Monsoon season has begun. Yes the rain cloud above my head while not bearing negative energy but stress from the loads of tasks I have on my plate.
The new/old man of my life has become a more permanent fixture in my life. Lets just say we finally figured out how to navigate this relationship together... Or we are just having a good week. I guess only time will tell right? Bf’s birthday is in 17 days and only a few days ago did I decide to make him a blanket for his new place as a present. So I am happily knitting away on this. I am still working on a lacy scarf for his sister however it has been put on hold so I can get his blanket completed.
What movie did I watch? The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Great movie but this is not a movie for everyone. There is a lot of abuse, language and violence. I was really impressed with the movie that I downloaded the book to my kindle. It of course will probably be there for a while as I have many books waiting in line to be read. The author I must plug! He sounds so interesting, someone I would have loved to talk to and just pick his brain, unfortunately he pasted away shortly after finishing the trilogy series. After reading his bio I wonder if the character Mikael Blomkvist is an imprint of the man behind the writing. Oh and I am even more impressed with the Apple Technology they used in the movie. They worked an Apple MacBook Pro like I have never seen. Very pleased!
Well I think I am going to enjoy some reading and sign off.
Happy knitting!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
He is only using me for my knitting....
So my hopes to put out a blog a week has well not worked out. I blame my dating life. I can't seem to have one guy interested in me its always two... this time three. Guy Number One and I went on a few dates and between the dates we kept each other laughing, oh you know. While discussing the many things I am able to knit he asked if I could knit him a blanket. Since him and I hit it off I had no issues agreeing to this new challenge. The blanket I named Lucky 7's after his hockey team. Now here is where the BUT comes into play. Since I have agreed to make this blanket its all he seems to care about. Every phone call he brings up the blanket at least 3 times. Often his text messages are about the blanket. In fact its like I became the hired help and I am required to give him a status check every so often. I think he is using me for my knitting....
Well since I haven't seen him in a few days and well I have lost interest in making him a blanket I started working on a pair socks. I called them my doodle socks unfortunately they looked horrible. The idea was to "doodle" purl stitch swirls within the stockinette stitch I was doing for the cuff. I still think the idea was great, and in my head they looked great. Actually knitted up well thats a different story. They looked like I didn't know how to knit. I ripped the cuff out and began a rib stitch cuff. It was easy to knit up while watching The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Great movie! Which leads me to Guy Number Two. Guy Number Two is getting a lacy scarf. LOL no not the obvious its for his sister. This guy happens to be an ex boyfriend... I know I know but you don't understand he helped me so many times since we broke up and we can't seem to stop talking to each other. Lets just say Guy Number Two is in the lead.
Guy Number Three seems to be taking his time asking me out or even talking to me. He texted maybe twice. Oh I did get a text at 1am from him. He was curious about my weekend. Yeah I don't think him and I will be going on a date any time soon.
Well enough about my dramatic life and on to knitting. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Happy Knitting!
Well since I haven't seen him in a few days and well I have lost interest in making him a blanket I started working on a pair socks. I called them my doodle socks unfortunately they looked horrible. The idea was to "doodle" purl stitch swirls within the stockinette stitch I was doing for the cuff. I still think the idea was great, and in my head they looked great. Actually knitted up well thats a different story. They looked like I didn't know how to knit. I ripped the cuff out and began a rib stitch cuff. It was easy to knit up while watching The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Great movie! Which leads me to Guy Number Two. Guy Number Two is getting a lacy scarf. LOL no not the obvious its for his sister. This guy happens to be an ex boyfriend... I know I know but you don't understand he helped me so many times since we broke up and we can't seem to stop talking to each other. Lets just say Guy Number Two is in the lead.
Guy Number Three seems to be taking his time asking me out or even talking to me. He texted maybe twice. Oh I did get a text at 1am from him. He was curious about my weekend. Yeah I don't think him and I will be going on a date any time soon.
Well enough about my dramatic life and on to knitting. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Happy Knitting!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Ballet Slippers
The last pair of ballet slippers are complete. I have given them to two very beautiful girls who looked absolutely adorable in them.
I just made a new purchase. I bought the nickel plated circular options set with case and nickel plated DPNs from Knit Picks. I am rather excited about this purchase and plan to immediately get started on the Bella mittens for my pal Josh. I tried using a pair of circular needles I had but it wasn't looking good, the cord was not flexible enough to do the magic loop technique. I also tried to change the pattern so I could use DPN but grew impatient with it. So $90 later I have a set of new needles that I intend to get a lot of use out of.
Well I am going to make another attempt to add pictures through the picture option on blogger. I hope it works.
Happy knitting!

I just made a new purchase. I bought the nickel plated circular options set with case and nickel plated DPNs from Knit Picks. I am rather excited about this purchase and plan to immediately get started on the Bella mittens for my pal Josh. I tried using a pair of circular needles I had but it wasn't looking good, the cord was not flexible enough to do the magic loop technique. I also tried to change the pattern so I could use DPN but grew impatient with it. So $90 later I have a set of new needles that I intend to get a lot of use out of.
Well I am going to make another attempt to add pictures through the picture option on blogger. I hope it works.
Happy knitting!

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